How It Works
Sign UP
Simply sign up for our rewards program to kick start earning your points. By signing up, you automatically earn 20 points!
To begin, for every £1 spent here at Vape Shop you will earn 1 point that can go towards future purchases.
Get Rewarded
Earn points in a range of methods. We even give out 80 points on your birthday!
A: The more you spend with us at Vape Shop, the more you earn. Our rewards are ranked into 4 tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold and VIP. You earn 1 point for every £1 spent until you move into the VIP tier, where this is increased to 3 points per £1!
A: Unfortunately, points you earn will only be made available to the account holder
A: Rewards can only be redeemed against a single purchase and cannot be combined with other discount codes
A: Rewards are automatically earned as you go, you simply need to head to your account copy your reward code and apply it at checkout